Monday, September 12, 2005

The Dutch Irish Connection

Man, what a weekend. I thought my and Cathy's wedding was cool. This was just the most amazingly well orchestrated event of its kind that I've witnessed.

The whole thing took place out in and around the city of Groningen, north of Amsterdam about two to three hours by double decker bus (one of which Gerry rented for the weekend to shuttle the hundred or so of us around). It was a lovely, flat, green drive made more pleasant by the Texas music wafting from the stereo (we made some mix CDs for the couple, at their request).

Most of the people attending stayed in a big fancy hotel near the main square, a place called the Schimmelpennick Huys. Cathy and I stayed in the Simplon Hostel, about a ten minute walk across town. It was nice, clean, simple, and about a quarter of the price. Gronginen seems like a really great city, compact, well planned, old gorgeous buildings and bike lanes everywhere, loads of shops for everything imaginable, a University, very nice. Definitely a place I'd like to get back to for a visit.

On Friday night, we rode the bus out to a great little place on a lake, a resaurant/bar with a huge patio and a nice dance floor, old and wooden and full of character. We had a cookout of chicken and beef and kabobs and various salads, all very nice, before the Bayou Mosquitos got up to play. A Dutch band, they specialized in Louisiana music with some Texas influence thrown in. They were great fun, and we danced a heap o two steps, actually impressing the Dutchies with our moves. Imagine.

And, small world: I walk over on Cathy's signal where, during a break, she's up chatting to the guys in the band (of course). As I approach I realize they're playing and singing Sweet Li'l Love by the Gourds, trying to remember the words. They knew of The Gourds, and further, the bass player, Pierre Robinet or something close to that, has played and recorded music with Rob Halverson, friend and musician from Austin. So, we pass along greetings here, Rob, if you're reading.

After the party, the bus headed back to town, where it dropped the lot of us in front of the Schlimmopuudik Huys--except for Cathy. The bus had to drive by our hostel anyway, so the driver agreed to drop her off rock star style. Double decker bus for one. Very nice.

The rest of us meandered a couple blocks up the road to O'Kelly's, a great Irish pub near the hotel. There I sat in a smoke-filled room full of music and talking and singing, mostly coming from wedding guests who were all growing very chummy with each other by now, until round about 3:30 in the morning. Just a fantastic time, so many happy people meeting each other and getting along, from entirely different worlds mostly, from Holland to Ireland, merely an hour's flight away.

And this was the pre party.

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