Wednesday, November 10, 2004

The new template's taken hold, finally.

Also, the inversion's still here. The air still tastes like acid and smoke, still smells like the business end of a cow. At least this time we're getting glimpses of sunlight during the day. Infrequently.

Seriously, W winning the election and an inversion setting in is a bit too much for such a short time.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

I've been trying to update the template for this blog, but it doesn't seem to be working. But it'll be up and running soon.

Monday, November 08, 2004

It's only November 8, and already we're locked into the first inversion of the year. The ceiling of brownish haze, the smell of chemical sky, they taste of exhaust and feedlot--must be winter in Boise! Let's hope this isn't a foreshadowing of the season to come.

Got this graphic this morning:

Pretty disturbing, and very telling. Seems we're still fighting the civil war in this country. Unfortunate that the only change from free back to slave state was our own Idaho. But, I guess this state was settled largely through migration from the deep south to the northwest. So it makes sense. But it's still not pleasant.