Sunday, December 17, 2006

Football Part 2

This came shortly after the previous one:

i just popped my head in for the national anthem. it is so cool...
you would love this! the cyber cafe is right outside the stadium so i
can hear everything.

i miss you! i may not be able to write for a few days but i will write
whenever i can. dont worry if you dont hear from me for a few days.
we are staying at the golden mandalay hotel in mandalay (such a great
place.. little cabins on this lake/pond). it is crazy how well they
are treating us... we feel like royalty. we'll be back here in a few
days after hspiaw.

hello to gus and henry! for some reason people really like that photo
of gus. maybe because he is so big and black and all their dogs are
skinny and brown/white.

oh and yesterday we went to a monestary and got to see 1000 monks get
their lunch and eat it silently. very cool. they walk in a line and
their bowls get filled with rice then they chant then eat. i took a
few photos but felt weird about taking them even though it was OK
because they want you to donate to the monestary. i bought a book.

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