Wednesday, September 07, 2005


I'd be remiss if I didn't say something about what we're hearing about Hurricane Katrina over here. The coverage has been relatively constant, but removed as we are from television and from the language of most papers, we are far from inundated with it. What we are reading and seeing, though, is horrific beyond words. It's hard to believe--especially under the circumstances in which we're seeing it--that this is happening in the US and not in some far removed foreign country. Third world country. South America, maybe, or an island in the Carribean, washed out because the resources for prevention or for response are just not there. And they're now waiting for us, the US, to come in and help them recover. But it is the US, and that is really hard to grasp.

We're reading about the political fallout, too, and though it's callous to think of this in political terms, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't satisfied that at last, at long last, the administration is being called to task for its incompetence. For its motives and its actions and for it's colossal fuckups, which just keep coming.

OK, no more of the politics. We'll just hope that from here on out everything that can be done, will be done.

Hope you all are well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yahoo blamed
A French media watchdog said Tuesday that information provided by Internet powerhouse Yahoo Inc.
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